Reviews --- Q.E.L Oral

#20472 Review writed by  Vishwajit    11 Years, 1 Month, 1 Week, 1 Day, 1 Hour, 20 Minutes ago

Thanks for sharing all that Jess, You are right about wntriig things down it certainly does help and is a great way to communicate when things are too hard to say.I'm glad you have eventually found a medication which helps, it seems like a few of us have found Sertraline to be helpful.I too did not cope with mainstream school and was partly educated in a unit school' although mine was part of an eating disorders unit, rather than a pupil referral unit. Like you, I was able to just do what i could cope with, which for me was art and poetry!Thanks for telling us about The Low Down and sharing the link, I haven't heard of it before and will check it out right away!Take care hon.

#25879 Review writed by  Kassid    11 Years, 1 Month, 1 Week, 15 Hours, 47 Minutes ago

Hi kat, thanks for your coemmnt. I totally agree with about shopping to find some one you feel comfortable with I really dont get on with my GP and I found writng things was the only way I could comunicate with her.

#29287 Review writed by  Bertie    11 Years, 1 Month, 1 Day, 18 Hours, 55 Minutes ago