Reviews --- N.E.E. 1/35 (28) Oral
#176 Review writed by Daniela 11 Years, 7 Months, 2 Weeks, 1 Day, 18 Hours, 50 Minutes ago
Sticker Shock .I had worked for the County and had a drug prcteripsion plan. Rarely did I pay more than $15 for any drug.And then I retired and there went my prcteripsion plan. The first time I bought my Lamictal at the local drug store I couldn't believe the cost, almost $1300 . From that time on I then bought my Lamictal, generic, through Canada at a cost anywhere from $400 to $600.Now comes Medicare Rx with the pressure to join or risk the consequences of penalty charges. I joined and now pay a monthly premium deducted from my SS. Still I resisted buying my drugs stateside, especially since the Lamictal was not available as a generic. But it nagged at me that it wouldn’t take long to satisfy the deductible and so maybe It wouldn’t cost that much to use the Medicare Rx plan. Thus far, I’ve only used the Rx service one time so I don’t know whether I’ve made a savings or not, especially when I factor in the premium and the deductible. It is a bit tricky trying to compare prices. I could get the Canadian drug as a generic and I could get a 90-day supply. Stateside, I can only get the brand name and a 30-day supply. And I’ll have to factor in as well that I’ll once again have to satisfy the deductible for the New Year. I’ve really been spoiled by that nice drug prcteripsion plan I had when I worked for the County. Maybe I should go back to work!
#259 Review writed by Jocelyne 11 Years, 7 Months, 2 Weeks, 1 Day, 3 Hours, 15 Minutes ago
I made an observation yeredstay. You know how your parents always tell you to take a shower every day and wash your face to stay clean and healthy. Well it is true, but I noticed that whenever most people wash there face that have acne break out or for that matter have pimples. Like if you worked out really hard and sweated and didn't wash your face for a couple of days or more your face actually starts to clear up! So I did a little research on Sebum. I found out that Sebum forms part of oil that coats the skin. Sweat, lipids and environmental dirt are other ingredients of the oil on the skin. This oil protects skin from BACTERIAL INFECTION(ACNE!). It also reduces the natural water loss from the skin(WRINKLES). I thought to myself WOW!! Could it be that were actually causing our own problems!! I realized then that washing your face actually washes away the good oil(sebum) and causes more sebum to come back even more.. but after that wash of the face you remove that skin protection!I asked my wife who has beautiful clear skin without ever getting acne if she ever washed her face or put anything on it. She told me that she never puts anything on her face and never washes her face with water. The only time it gets wet is maby from washing her hair or from going swimming in the lake. I am pretty convinved that peoples own sebum might actually be the cure for our acne. If we keep washing our face we are removing that protective oil on our skin, then it comes back even more oily and aggravates the bacteria that has formed because of the last washing of the face wich removed that sebum protection.Ok then why does the pores get blocked?
#583 Review writed by Buffie 11 Years, 6 Months, 3 Weeks, 16 Hours, 23 Minutes ago
uzumi - 01.07.2011 - 5:54 пп Обоим отправлено.Немного уточню-если дневная норма по регистрациям на Google+ выполнена, то может писать что пока возможности использовать социальную сеть нельзя. Но вы уже приглашены, инвайт активирован. Остается только ждать-день, может два. В любом случае вы получите доступ раньше обычных юзеров. home owners insurance quote Really Cheap Auto Insurance
#593 Review writed by Reilly 11 Years, 6 Months, 2 Weeks, 6 Days, 6 Hours, 46 Minutes ago
You should look up the liver flush man. Going vegan and eaintg whole foods is gonna cut of the sources of toxins that buildup in our digestive systems but sometimes you need that extra push to clean out the remaining sludge. Look up different ways to naturally clear out the special organs like liver and colon. Those two are charged with the job of filtering our body of toxins and being raised myself it took time to clear it out enough? to see results. Look up AcneErasingSecrets for info
#598 Review writed by Mahi 11 Years, 6 Months, 2 Weeks, 5 Days, 22 Hours, 21 Minutes ago
Keep up the vegan lifestyle man. Don't give up. its deiferfnt for all people and results may take a while but you will get clearer skin. Remember your reversing a whole lifetime? of bodily abuse of processed foods if your coming from the standard American dietl. The colon and liver are especially important for good skin. Look up the liver flush and try it a couple times, its easy and simple and it fucking works. Cleansing yourself internally then going vegan. Great skin, long term [url=]fsaqlsin[/url] [link=]ubopeer[/link]