Reviews --- K + Care Oral

#342 Review writed by  Mallam    11 Years, 6 Months, 3 Weeks, 4 Days, 6 Hours, 15 Minutes ago

I enjoy what you guys are usually up too. This type of cevler work and exposure!Keep up the fantastic works guys I've incorporated you guys to our blogroll.

#436 Review writed by  Parduaspanzerdivision    11 Years, 6 Months, 1 Week, 5 Days, 16 Hours, 48 Minutes ago

It's the least we can do. This site will have all the updates on the event and beinhd the scene images of the process. Can't wait man. It's going to be awesome. Say Hello to everyone!!

#624 Review writed by  Jaylyn    11 Years, 5 Months, 3 Weeks, 1 Day, 12 Hours, 4 Minutes ago

” Thank you, I feel beautiful.” PRICELESS. I am also passionate about my role in this community. I want everyone in this BARIATRIC world to fight obesity with everything they have. To prove the statistics wrong…and to live the most amazing and healthy life!! It is an honor working and leading in this community, and I love every minute I spend doing it.My INSPIRATIONAL hat comes into play with my choice to go back to school fulltime. To push myself to develop and fine tune my skills. To push myself to learn and grow everyday. I believe you have to be inspired to inspire.And friend… do that to me… inspire me constantly. Thank you for making me stop and think about it today. To stop and write it down today….because I think we are constantly growing and evolving….and this might be a new answer a year from now! Thank you for detouring me off my path….for a quick reality check!!xoxo,Laura and Max…..the wonder pug:) Best Online Car Insurance Quotes in Chicago car insurance quotes

#628 Review writed by  Geri    11 Years, 5 Months, 3 Weeks, 16 Hours, 43 Minutes ago

A lack of adequate supplies of potassium iodide tablets after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986 resulted in thyroid cancer for thousands of untreated children.One of the greatest dangers following a nuclear accident comes from exposure to gases containing radioactive isotopes of iodine. These highly carcinogenic isotopes are readily taken up by the thyroid gland, resulting in the development of thyroid cancer. Exposure to radioactive iodine calls for immediate treatment with another form of iodine, potassium iodide, to saturate the thyroid and block the absorption of radioactive iodine. .Potassium Iodide (KI)Potassium iodide tablets are commonly stockpiled near nuclear power plants to allow for rapid distribution in case of a radioactive accident. In the absence of tablets, potassium iodide may also be administered as a “saturated solution of potassium iodide” (SSKI) which in the U.S.P. generic formulation contains 1000 mg of KI per ml of solution. Two drops of U.S.P. SSKI solution is equivalent to one 130 mg KI tablet (100 mg iodide).Recommended DosesAccording to the World Health Organization (WHO), the following doses of potassium iodide should be taken as a single dose within three hours of exposure, or up to 10 hours after exposure, although this is less effective.• Adults : 130 mg 
• Adolescents: 12-18: WHO — adult dose; CDC — children’s dose; if adult size (150 pounds or over) they should take the full adult dose, regardless of their age.• Children age 3-12 years: 65 mg
• Infants : 1 mo. to 3 years, 32. 25 mg (ie half tablet)• Newborns to 1 mo., 1/4 capsule.PrecautionsWhile potassium iodate can be taken by a majority of people without any problems, it should only be used in case of a nuclear emergency. Doses in excess of the single (one time only) daily dose listed above should be taken only upon recommendation by a physician or public health authority. Patients should notify their doctor if taking quinidine, captopril, or enalopril, or if they are sensitive to iodine, or suffer from dermatitis herpetiformis, thyrotoxicosis or kidney problems before taking potassium iodate (or any thyroid blocker).ProphylaxisIt is best to take iodide prophylactically, prior to exposure. Every family should have a good supply in their homes. At this time we may recommend taking 10-40mg per day. A dose of 30-50mg is the range of dietary intake in Japan and relatively safe to take long term but under practitioner monitoring. Build up gradually: 10mg-20mg-30mg-40mg.Then, in case there is an official announcement of significantly increased radiation, adults should go to the dose mentioned above: 130mg/day and children to lower doses per body weight, generally 65 mg, age 3-12 years. You can use a loading dose of two drops daily of Lugol’s Iodine, a commonly available pharmaceutical form of potassium iodide, or SSKI, and increase to 130 mg if needed. See the U.S. Centers for Disease Control recommendations.Other supplements that may be protective are: vitamin D and vitamin K as they support appropriate apoptosis, which is programmed death of cells that accumulate various DNA errors (due to radiation and other causes), and vitamin D also supports DNA repair.Avoid exposure to rain that may be laden with radiation if we are exposed. You’ll be informed by authorities if that is the case.Other Radiation DangersBesides I-131, there are other toxic radio-isotopes, including cerium 137 and plutonium. To protect yourself from cesium poisoning, consume plenty of high potassium foods, as potassium competitively inhibits cesium uptake. Foods high in potassium include avocados, sea vegetables, & leafy green vegetables, and are more effective than taking a potassium supplement.To protect yourself from plutonium poisoning, eat lots of dulse & consume iron from plant sources, namely sea algaes such as spirulina and chlorella, which provide more iron than red meat. Miso soup has also been shown to have a protective effect. The mineral, zeolite, is being investigated for taking most radioactive materials out of the body.Additionally, foods and supplements high in antioxidants, will also help the body cope with these higher toxic levels as radioactive materials cause antioxidant depletion and ill health.SummaryThe Nuclear Regulatory Commission has admitted it is ‘quite possible’ that fallout from the Japanese reactors could reach America, though levels expected to be so low as to be almost undetectable. Given the unprecedented circumstances of the current crisis, though, it would be prudent to keep some potassium iodide on hand as a precautionary measure. cheep car insurence

#640 Review writed by  Queenie    11 Years, 5 Months, 2 Weeks, 4 Days, 12 Hours, 14 Minutes ago

Actually a single serving of Kelp (recent studies) offers protection up to a week.So why not eat kelp? Potassium Iodide is dangerous in its own right, and should not be taken unless there is a clear and present threat of radioactive iodine exposure.Currently there are restrictions on using Potassium Iodide (KI) It could cause harm.You will only protect your thyroid gland. It does not prevent a person from getting sick..this is why it is better to evacuate than take a dose of Potassium Iodide (KI) .Medical conditions that may make it harmful to take KITaking KI may be harmful for some people because of the high levels of iodine in this medicine. You should not take KI if• you know you are allergic to iodine (If you are unsure about this, consult your doctor. A seafood or shellfish allergy does not necessarily mean that you are allergic to iodine.) or• you have certain skin disorders (such as dermatitis herpetiformis or urticaria vasculitis). People with thyroid disease (for example, multinodular goiter, Graves’ disease, or autoimmune thyroiditis) may be treated with KI. This should happen under careful supervision of a doctor, especially if dosing lasts for more than a few days. In all cases, talk to your doctor if you are not sure whether to take KI. PrecautionsWhile potassium iodate can be taken by a majority of people without any problems, it should only be used in case of a nuclear emergency. Doses in excess of the single (one time only) daily dose listed above should be taken only upon recommendation by a physician or public health authority. Patients should notify their doctor if taking quinine, captopril, or enalopril, or if they are sensitive to iodine, or suffer from dermatitis herpetiformis, thyrotoxicosis or kidney problems before taking potassium iodate (or any thyroid blocker). car insurance quotes qoutes for car insurance