#123 Review writed by  Lyubov    11 Years, 6 Months, 3 Weeks, 6 Days, 20 Hours, 29 Minutes ago

Non-stop, San Francisco to Tokyo is about 5,000 miles and 11 hours by plane, and costs about $1,400 to $2,000. Any other method of traevl will make multiple days to weeks or months. There may be some passenger ships that make that trip, but I don't know of any. You can get passage on freighters across the Pacific. Lots of freighters have passenger berths that are pretty good. I have no idea of the cost. Aside from a plane, that is the only other realistic way to get from the US to Japan. Really.There are trains up the CA coast to Vancouver (900 miles from SF to Vancouver), but I can't find any indication that there is any train route through Canada to Alaska, so you would have to drive from at least Vancouver. That's 2,300 miles to Anchorage. You could probably arrange for a charter boat to take you from Anchorage to some port in Siberia but that gets very complicated and immigration might be tricky. Arranging transport from Eastern Siberia down the coast of Russia would be a daunting challenge to say the least. Vladivostok would probably be the end point of your journey through Russia, and then you would need to either take a boat or plane across to Japan. Straight line distance to central Japan is about 500 miles. Don't have any idea if there is any commercial plane or ship service between those two points. If not, then it would need a charter arrangement again (lots of $$$), then the whole immigration/customs experience could possibly be quite interesting trying to explain why an American is arriving in Japan from Eastern Russia.From Anchorage across the Bering Sea, then by land to Vladivostok is about another 4,000 miles by a more or less direct route down the Russian coast (much longer, I imagine, by the roads and rails that exist). I cannot imagine how long that would take. Getting visas and permission to traevl in that part of the world might be difficult. The facilities would most likely be primitive. Total distance might be in the vicinity of 8,000 miles.Trying to traevl by land and sea through Alaska and Russia might be 10 times that cost of a plane ticket and I cannot imagine it taking less than a couple of weeks.References :

#220 Review writed by  Marie    11 Years, 6 Months, 3 Weeks, 5 Days, 20 Hours, 1 Minute ago

Being a doctor will no lgneor be an economically suitable job. Therefore, med students or med student hopefuls and current doctors will begin to pursue other professions. So people who need medical attention will still pay for it through taxes, and they'll get a lesser quality of care.Kind of a lose-lose situation, if you ask me.And it increases dependency on the government And it gives illegals, who DON'T pay their taxes, free health care meaning we get to pay for them if they break a leg, even though they're here breaking our laws.Make that a lose-lose-lose-lose situation.

#448 Review writed by  Cayden    11 Years, 6 Months, 1 Week, 3 Days, 21 Hours, 33 Minutes ago

I am going to guess you are a 2-20 based on your comment about Home insurance. It is recommended but not mandated you at least work for an agency for about 1-2 years to get a general idea of how the market and insurance works.Reason is I mentored many licensed agents who were wonderfully book smart but life does not imitate the classroom. Your class work and tests were based on the legal statutes but it is in no manner reflects the functionality of how you interact with policy holders, insurance companies, and how to solve the communication gap between the 2 especially when it comes to questions of endorsements and underwriting requirements.There are specific tricks to the trade that only experience gives you the edge. Unless you have another experienced 2-20 on board with you to guide you through the pitfalls, it will be a true up hill struggle. Creating policies from the get go and not having the skills for when a policy gets into “trouble” may in the end turn your policy holders away and having them seek more experienced agents.Currently, I assisted an agency in overturning a non-renewal after they got 3 denials of the overturn. My experience in how to speak to underwriters and seeing things from their point of view helped them to re-propose a remedy to the non-renewal reason which resulted in the insurance carrier, the insurance agency, and the homeowner in being happy. The agency looked like the hero for going above and beyond the call of duty. As an agent in the State of Florida, because of the many changes in our insurance laws (both auto and home) it has created in very bad answers from insurance companies’ customer service reps. Fortunately, my experience honed in on the wrong answer but it makes me tremble how many other agents may have accepted it as gospel and didn’t fight for their clients’ rights because they simply did not know how and that includes the curent agency I mentor. They get a wrong answer they didn’t realize and they will pose question to me after the fact, which I will show them where the rules of both the underwriting manual and state statutes lie to over turn the bad answer.The agency I work for is a captured agency, but it recently has begun brokering out in the last 2 years. I was hired precisely for my expertise in brokered insurance companies since I had no history in the idiosyncracies of one type of insurance company but the experience of 9 home insurance companies, 4 auto insurance companies, 3 mobile home companies, 3 commercial, 2 umbrella companies, etc. that enables me to show the captured agency how to work with independent companies outside its primary captured agency status.If you decide to work on your own, then the State of Florida will require you to be appointed with at least one company of each of your license you are representing in that kind of policy arena. You will need to market yourself to the company of interest and show proof of ability to produce. It is easier to be already appointed via an established agency and then when you strike on your own, history of being a performing Producer Agent will weigh in your favor.As to home insurance, it is very do-able but again you have to know the tricks of the trade to write a good policy with options that can help drive down cost of the premium. I have “stolen” more policies from other agencies because of my ability to help homeowners weigh the options of choice with understanding of the policy to better help them customize the policy to their needs not my needs.Good luck on your new career. If you find you need guidance on future policy issues, my services have always been free in the spirit if helping a fellow agent if my time affords me. many of my help is offered after my business hours to better give you my unidvided attentionI have a 87% success rate in overturning underwriting reason not due to hurricane reduction exposure (the blance is because the insured would not jump the hurdles to meet the guidelines), a 92% success rate in reinstating erroneous cancelled policies, and a 72% success rate of writing home insurance policies I have quoted. and same IM IDas to getting a license in other states, that is only if you show you have the need to cross state lines because of umbrellas or multiple car policies needed for the same insured because they have multiple cars in different states. Traditionally the license is only offered to those states your state borders, which is GA, LA, AL auto quotes for insurance life insurance quotes in california

#680 Review writed by  Dahrann    11 Years, 5 Months, 1 Week, 4 Days, 20 Hours, 55 Minutes ago

#715 Review writed by  Summer    11 Years, 5 Months, 1 Week, 3 Days, 5 Hours, 52 Minutes ago