#112 Review writed by  Kevin    11 Years, 7 Months, 5 Days, 15 Hours, 52 Minutes ago

Sometimes I contemplate if folks truly take time to cspomoe something original, or are they only just dishing out words to fill a site. This certainly doesn't fit that mold. Thank you for taking the time to write with awareness. Now And Then I look at a page and question whether they even proofread it.Fantastic work with this article.

#207 Review writed by  Sueli    11 Years, 7 Months, 4 Days, 11 Hours, 20 Minutes ago

Great sample! That is ectlaxy what I was looking for to improve the graphics of my 2d game. But the (bad) performance still remains a serious problem for me. In my game, the (scrolling)levels are much bigger as the one in the sample. Furthermore i also would like to add some more lights. I tried this within the sample and the result was like a slideshow I experienced that the most performance loss comes while drawing the shadowvertices (last lines of the DrawShadows method). Maybe merging all convexhulls shadows to one single buffer could help here. Also precalc the shadowvertices on specific events (eg. on new light, on new convexhull, on lightposition change, on convexhullposition change, on scaling light range ) instead of doing this each frame. Therefor an illumination manager class, which holds shadowvertices and manages all convexhulls and lightsources, could be helpfull. Just my thoughts. Any further ideas?

#464 Review writed by  Geri    11 Years, 6 Months, 2 Weeks, 4 Days, 1 Hour, 41 Minutes ago

Why do those whom we elect to represent us not see the hypocracy of their ways? They tell us that we have this wonderful Medicare Prescription Drug Program that benefits many of our elderly, but don’t tell us that what they’ve created is another program that like Social Security and Medicare will be bleeding red within five years and will thus be too costly for the government to continue to subsidize.They don’t tell us that the drug companies continue to increase the costs of drugs that have already been developed, approved and are currently being sold. In fact the GAO has indicated that some drugs have increased by up to 200% in just the past two years.They don’t tell us that the government supplements the cost that seniors are paying to the insurance companies for the Medicare Part D premiums up to $140 per month per participant and that by estimates of GAO and Medicare actuaries, the cost of this program will be a lot more than the $480 billion cost that the President has indicated, in fact more in the range of over $800 billion. As the government withdraws its susidies of the Medicare Part D premiums, the insurance companies will pass on the higher premium costs to the seniors. Seniors will then have to deal with double digit increases in both Medicare Part B and Medicare Part D premiums. Even with COLA adjustments of 3% per year on their Social Security benefits, seniors relying on Social Security as their sole source of income will not be able to keep up with the soaring costs of Part B and Part D premiums as well as the other increases in the cost of living that we all face each year.The idea of providing a Prescription Drug Program for seniors is a great idea, but why did they have to make this so complicated. The fact that each insurance company has their own drug formulary, and that these formularies can and will change from year to year, and that drugs can and will be dropped from an insurer’s formulary, and that drug costs will increase annually (see above) requires seniors to review the many different Medicare Part D Plans available to them each year. This is necessary in order to ensure that the prescription drugs that the seniors need are in fact going to be provided by the insurer who provides the senior with his/her Medicare Part D Program benefits. If the seniors don’t shop each year, they may find that they will be paying premiums for a Medicare Part D Plan that will not provide them with all of the prescription drugs that they need.The Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program was supposed to help the low income seniors who cannot afford the cost of their prescription drugs, yet many of these same seniors cannot navigate through this very complicated program on their own. If there is no one to assist them, some of these neediest seniors may, as a result, end up with no Part D plan and thus be subject to the 1% monthly premium penalty for each month that they do not participate in a Medicare Part D Plan.Why can’t they let Medicare negotiate discounts with the drug companies for 45 million Medicare beneficiaries in the same fashion as the Veterans Adminsistration? We could be seeing discounts of up to 40% to 50%. Then we can put together a Medicare Prescription Drug program after these discount prices are in place using just one formulary developed and maintained by Medicare for all insurers to use. Competition among the insurers can be maintained by encouraging them to reduce their administrative costs. The new Medicare Prescription Drug Program should also allow seniors to purchase drugs at Costco and Walmart which are charging much less for generic drugs than most of the chain pharmacies.We can and must do better! home insurance quotes free car insurance quotes classic

#692 Review writed by  Lore    11 Years, 5 Months, 2 Weeks, 5 Days, 7 Hours, 2 Minutes ago