Reviews --- Fabrazyme IV
#580 Review writed by Leila 11 Years, 6 Months, 1 Week, 3 Days, 23 Hours, 43 Minutes ago
Hi Matt. This vey theme got me thinking last year and I have been stiirvng to create balance now before I step up the next level. I realised that the nature of building the business is you can't walk away for a day but you can grab moments every day when you do something for your family, something for you and something to build your business. So Every second Saturday morning I start my open homes at 12 so I can watch my 12 yer old play school rugby and my 9 yer old play club rugby.I leave work every day at 2:45 to collect the boys from school and take them home for afternoon tea then I head back to the office we sold our house and moved to within I kilometre of the office to achieve that.Do I have balance ? More than I had in my first two years am I happier in every facet of my life hell yes! This week I start my pa who happens to be my daughter we have designed a shared week looks great on paper will share how it is going. As we go along and practice it in reality.Angela [url=]vwpxnmdv[/url] [link=]ndihkvmfic[/link]
#694 Review writed by Daysia 11 Years, 5 Months, 2 Weeks, 5 Days, 6 Hours, 50 Minutes ago
#756 Review writed by Amberlee 11 Years, 5 Months, 2 Weeks, 2 Days, 6 Hours, 41 Minutes ago
#792 Review writed by Krisalyn 11 Years, 5 Months, 1 Week, 4 Hours, 7 Minutes ago
#837 Review writed by Keshawn 11 Years, 5 Months, 5 Days, 17 Hours, 9 Minutes ago