Reviews --- D-3-5 Oral

#143 Review writed by  Eunice    11 Years, 7 Months, 2 Weeks, 2 Days, 4 Hours, 12 Minutes ago

Tragically yes, modern mnidciee has come a long way in understanding and treating mental illness but it cannot perform miracles and some patients can only be helped my medication and treatment which does not allow them to lead normal lives outside of institutions. Personally that kind of existence would not be acceptable to me and I would prefer a final solution.

#230 Review writed by  Dijo    11 Years, 7 Months, 2 Weeks, 1 Day, 8 Hours, 43 Minutes ago

Love this sample, eookld through the code, got lost a few times, but it should be easier to follow when i can look at it in something other than notepad. I see a lot of stuff in here I've never touched before, like the vertex's and half the calls to spritebatch.. I would love to see a full blown tutorial done out of this.. =) Otherwise, awesome..will have to play and see how i can use it.. maybe i can start another project I will get 90% done and drop.. =) hehe

#531 Review writed by  Veanna    11 Years, 6 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days, 23 Hours, 47 Minutes ago

Hi Matt. This vey theme got me thinking last year and I have been striving to create balance now before I step up the next level. I realised that the nature of building the business is you can’t walk away for a day but you can grab moments every day when you do something for your family, something for you and something to build your business. So Every second Saturday morning I start my open homes at 12 so I can watch my 12 yer old play school rugby and my 9 yer old play club rugby.I leave work every day at 2:45 to collect the boys from school and take them home for afternoon tea then I head back to the office – we sold our house and moved to within I kilometre of the office to achieve that.Do I have balance ? More than I had in my first two years am I happier in every facet of my life – hell yes! This week I start my pa – who happens to be my daughter – we have designed a shared week – looks great on paper will share how it is going. As we go along and practice it in reality.Angela home insurance quotes direct car insurance line quote

#546 Review writed by  Tony    11 Years, 6 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days, 10 Hours, 5 Minutes ago

These are all good answers, so it's tckriy to decide between them . But there can be only 2 Haribo prizes (until I get a pay rise). So... Serena you get one for your answer (which I'd probably give 10/10 to) and Patrice and Lesley you get the second prize (which I'd probably give 8 or 9/10 to).All of these would have been 8 out of 10 or above, if they were written out fully in the exam (e.g. full sentences and quick explanations of exactly which consonant you're talking about on hab/have).It's also probably worth saying that you should avoid using what's called a "deficit model" when talking about child language i.e. try not to talk about errors, mistakes and failing because you're not really being asked to judge the language, but analyse it. Also, if you talk about functions be sure to say "x is an example of Halliday's personal function as it expresses feelings" just to be sure the examiner sees why you've picked it out.Finally, with something like elision (gonna), it is worth picking out, but only if you link it to something specific about language development e.g. "The child has used elision in the verb phrase gonna, which indicates that they might have picked up shortened forms from people around them."Anyway, they're all good answers.