#10655 Review writed by  Obaid    10 Years, 8 Months, 15 Hours, 55 Minutes ago

ah por cierto como eerafadotss me refiero a los apf3stoles y al mismo jesus, si claro ese tal jesus bedblico que tanto adoran.Claro la biblia es una estafa.Un libro de fantasedas de la era de bronce, sin introduccif3n, conclusif3n ni nada de nada es mas son varios libros y los que la hicieron el viejo y el nuevo testamento ni se pusieron de acuerdo.En el antiguo testamento existeda un dios violento en el nuevo de mera casualidad un dios benevolente,si el dios inmutable (muto) de sanguinario a un ser amoroso, que casualidad.Saludos anf3nimoRicardo Jimenez

#18723 Review writed by  Jorge    10 Years, 8 Months, 2 Hours, 1 Minute ago

Disclaimer: This comment is wrtetin in a positively critical point of view, and therefore it would be best to avoid a negative spin on it.Quite interesting! But, I would not be surprised to find that DistilBio's USP is not as unique as it seems. Actually, by your own admission, you have inadvertently pointed towards what the USP should be rendering information about the the explicit type of protein-protein interaction.Today, in drug discovery, particularly metabolic diseases such as diabetes, several metabolic enzymes are the in thing as drug targets. Now, this is a completely different domain from simple protein-protein interactions. Enzyme-enzyme interactions tend to have a much broader scope and often times knowledge of these interactions holds the key to a successful drug design in the metabolic realm. So, if I were to be in your shoes, I'd be thinking very hard about the possibilities of defining this particular problem and finding an effective solution that would guarantee launching DistilBio to the top of the charts, in any biochemists' and drug designer's eyes.I wish you good luck with this interesting piece of work and hope to see DistilBio do well in near future! http://nkmjxnnopqh.com [url=http://evzjuztjrt.com]evzjuztjrt[/url] [link=http://ttallhwtqy.com]ttallhwtqy[/link]

#28275 Review writed by  Gue    10 Years, 7 Months, 4 Weeks, 1 Day, 14 Hours, 49 Minutes ago

Exmeltery helpful article, please write more.

#29425 Review writed by  Rowdy    10 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks, 1 Day, 22 Hours, 42 Minutes ago

#30211 Review writed by  Chyna    10 Years, 7 Months, 2 Weeks, 5 Days, 5 Hours, 18 Minutes ago