Reviews --- C Complex Oral

#617 Review writed by  Bertie    11 Years, 5 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days, 17 Hours, 16 Minutes ago

I leаvе a reѕponse when I espесially enjoy a post on a ѕite or I have somethіng to add to the convеrsаtion.It's caused by the fire communicated in the article I looked at. And on this post "Alarming abuse of statistics". I was excited enough to drop a thought :-) I do have 2 questions for you if you usually do not mind. Is it only me or does it give the impression like some of these responses come across like written by brain dead folks? :-P And, if you are posting on additional online sites, I'ԁ like tο keep up with you.Would уou make a list every one of youг communitу siteѕ like your linkеdin profile, Facebook page ог twitteг feеd?Also visit my blog ... admrial insurance car auto insurance quotes

#642 Review writed by  Minnie    11 Years, 5 Months, 2 Weeks, 4 Days, 12 Hours, 53 Minutes ago

- Sweet Duder,You changed my life as well yours. I have no doubt in my mind that our relationship is a direct blessing from Jesus. For both of us. I fell in love with you long before we met. Your mommy would post things about you that reminded me so much of my own little boy. Your buddy, Andy. When you got sick, I knew I had to be persistent and convince your parents to do some very crazy seeming things. A LOT of prayer went into our time (treatment sessions) together. Some times, I would wake up in the middle of the night with a vision of what to do with you the next day. I know your mommy thought I was a little nutty at first. But God opened my mind to treat you and your mommy’s heart to allow me the freedom to try new, unconventional things. Things that clearly worked for you. Things that I discovered and learned more about because of you. Yes, sweet boy, because of our connection, you are much better. But because of YOU, I am such a better therapist and mommy to my own sweet babies. Because of YOU, I have opened my home to help other families. To share God’s love with them and come along besides their families in search of healing. Before you, I was stuck in the rehab/medical model of OT. Because of you, I am now confident that I am to offer more. So much more, to families searching for answers. Families like yours. So, Teagan, thank you. Thank you for trusting me. For telling your mommy with your eyes, that “Miss Marti is good people. Please trust her.” when I would put that funky music in your ears and play silly games with you. Thank you for encouraging me to be still and listen. To have a passion for finding answers. To treat with my heart and remember why I have this degree to begin with. As you know, I am so very proud of you and know intimately what you went through and how strong you are. Because of you, I am determined to meet other families like yours and help them to be brave and strong like you. Thank you, sweet Duder. And thank you, Lyndsay for allowing me to “try”. It didn’t hurt… car insurance quotes

#655 Review writed by  Jenn    11 Years, 5 Months, 2 Weeks, 6 Hours, 10 Minutes ago

- Teagan’s story has totally impacted me. I get frequent horrible migraines and your blog propelled me into looking for answers in the food that I eat. Despite a very-unhelpful doctor’s opinion, I decided to eliminate gluten from my diet and overall eat better. I have been gluten-free for 6 weeks and I am really starting to feel better. Even in ways I never expected because I had gotten so used to feeling the way I was. I now realize just how bad I was feeling. I will never look at food the same way.Not only that but as a mother of two little ones I feel the responsibility to give my girls the best and have started researching about foods and making some big changes even though already compared to the average american family we were eating “healthy.” My husband is also going to join me at our daughter’s 2 year appointment next month to pretty much demand some tests be taken on her because she is SO small. I feel incredibly responsible to find out if something is going on that is preventing her from being as healthy as she could be. I have learned a lot from Teagan’s story. His story is changing lives. And I pray that there will be greater awareness of the nastiness that “food” companies are calling food. I think it is so sad that we have to protect our children from bad foods. There just shouldn’t be any bad foods! So thank you for sharing your story. I know that my whole family is on the road to great health because of you. I am really so thankful!And I love your photography! new york accutane lawyers

#668 Review writed by  Sunny    11 Years, 5 Months, 1 Week, 5 Days, 17 Hours, 20 Minutes ago

Well now that’s a whole series of serious questions. I think people are neutral and their actions define them. The path to hell and all that is, after all, paved with good intentions. So even if your intentions are good ones and you still manage to kill people directly (not 5th party down) through your actions, I’d call you evil. For instance, the doctors that wanted to study syphillis and let it run rampant in black men MAY have had good intentions but their practice was EVIL. Thus, to me, they were evil men. Surely there was some other way of figuring that out.However it becomes a slippery slope very quickly because there’s ALWAYS going to be someone further up the Angelic Chain that can point to their years in the Peace Corps that beats your local social activism, or my composting beats your recycling, etc. So you probably need to ask yourself whether you are contributing to the positive or the negative with your CONSCIOUS choices.Shop at Walmart? Can you shop anywhere else? Then do so. Can’t afford to? Then you should work to make the world a better place in some other way. Conscious choice. Could you recycle/compost but you don’t because it’s “too much trouble”? Something to think about then. “Too much trouble” doesn’t cut it with me. Things that are worthwhile to do are going to take extra effort.Having children is a perfect example. It’s “easy” to just let them run rampant and a helluva lotta work to actually socialize them (Please, thank you, eating with utensils, using napkins, excuse me, etc.). It IS “easier” to not even bother, but a good human being is WORTH the extra effort. Just as taking care of our ONLY planet is WORTH the extra effort (of composting/recycling/eating organic/shopping at “blue” places/reducing our impact on the planet).We only have the one planet. No one has yet PROVED there is a god/goddess and that there is any life other than this one. We need to stop kidding ourselves that there’s some sort of better “other world” and that this one is disposable.Dang! There a whole post right in this reply…. AUTO INSURANCE TODAY online colleges

#914 Review writed by  Chacidy    11 Years, 4 Months, 3 Weeks, 4 Days, 12 Hours, 24 Minutes ago