Reviews --- B Complex 50 Oral

#148 Review writed by  Aziz    11 Years, 7 Months, 2 Weeks, 2 Days, 3 Hours, 59 Minutes ago

His speeches and wrntiig has been a great source of inspiration for me and my friends . I thank my dad for introducing me to such a honest and a true leader. Im greatly indebted to him for my positive and responsible change in my life. I will help in all ways for a change in society.with regardsM.KaushikSenior Software EngineerCalsoft inc,Pune

#231 Review writed by  Nana    11 Years, 7 Months, 2 Weeks, 1 Day, 9 Hours, 49 Minutes ago

Be careful what the eshmnlistaebt tells you. The blue man was an extreme case? of misuse drinking gallons of untested colloidal silver he made at home. Silver has been used for thousands of years without problems. Now that Big Pharma is threatened, they have to put out false and incomplete information to continue to make big profits. Colloidal silver is cheap, effective, fast, and you don't need a prescription. See the problem? They can't make money off of you! Wake up.

#502 Review writed by  Macco    11 Years, 6 Months, 3 Weeks, 4 Days, 19 Hours, 47 Minutes ago

Rayma:I’m a nurse and I come across any number of patients I find disgusting, reprehensible and at times wish I didn’t have to take care of them. Some of them are convicted child molestors that come from the local prison. My job is not to judge them or decide whether or not they deserve healthcare. My job is to provide it, despite my personal feelings about their character or their personal choices. If for some reason my personal beliefs infringe on my ability to provide the best quality and skilled care I can, then it’s time for me to find a new career.The fact that pharmacists were allowed to deny filling prescriptions based on their own moral or religious beliefs is absolutely ridiculous. This is how it should have stayed from the get go. I feel the same way about them doing their jobs as I do about mine. If they can’t do it… they should find a new career without these “moral dilemmas”. online auto insurance quotes choice insurance life

#514 Review writed by  Carmen    11 Years, 6 Months, 3 Weeks, 3 Days, 18 Hours, 24 Minutes ago

Rayma:I'm a nurse and I come across any nbmeur of patients I find disgusting, reprehensible and at times wish I didn't have to take care of them. Some of them are convicted child molestors that come from the local prison. My job is not to judge them or decide whether or not they deserve healthcare. My job is to provide it, despite my personal feelings about their character or their personal choices. If for some reason my personal beliefs infringe on my ability to provide the best quality and skilled care I can, then it's time for me to find a new career.The fact that pharmacists were allowed to deny filling prescriptions based on their own moral or religious beliefs is absolutely ridiculous. This is how it should have stayed from the get go. I feel the same way about them doing their jobs as I do about mine. If they can't do it they should find a new career without these moral dilemmas .

#679 Review writed by  Kamryn    11 Years, 6 Months, 13 Hours, 51 Minutes ago