Reviews --- A/B Otic Otic

#9055 Review writed by  Sujata    11 Years, 3 Weeks, 1 Day, 15 Hours, 49 Minutes ago

Is he having tubes? My foruth (out of five) child is going to get tubes next month. Oy! I just sent a Hail Mary his way. What a cutie pie!

#16399 Review writed by  Jay    11 Years, 3 Weeks, 1 Day, 1 Hour, 40 Minutes ago

I have to agree with Beaux. State and TTB licenses were pertty easy. TTB is mostly a waiting game. The killer for us was the Snohomish county building permit and Health Department permit requirements. As a nano, we seriously under estimated the financial implications and quantity of things that they made us do to get open. Permit costs, architect fees, engineering studies, plumbing, ADA requirements; the list goes on-and-on. It does however make the completed project that much more satisfying to complete!

#17646 Review writed by  Mahdi    11 Years, 3 Weeks, 1 Day, 16 Minutes ago

It definitely is a bmeumr that Hazel Dell Brew Pub closed down. I know we have so many great brew pubs in Portland, but living in Vancouver the selection on this side of the river for beer brewed in the city is a bit lacking (although I can't complain, we have access to a lot). It looks like all of the new breweries are opening up north of us. I definitely think there is room for more though. [url=]vrsqbyg[/url] [link=]vrepavstsd[/link]

#21688 Review writed by  Maryland    11 Years, 3 Weeks, 18 Hours, 44 Minutes ago

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#29055 Review writed by  Latoya    11 Years, 2 Weeks, 4 Days, 18 Hours, 39 Minutes ago