#120 Review writed by  Filder    11 Years, 7 Months, 5 Days, 8 Hours, 8 Minutes ago

yet i think on steve jobs, technology has also runeid direct community, and sped up life,and runeid emotional contact, and made jobs very rich.so i don t think he was that great, personally.

#212 Review writed by  Ahmad    11 Years, 7 Months, 4 Days, 7 Hours, 21 Minutes ago

Andrew HPersonally, I would choose to be a Pharmacist. Pharmacists dont get claeld in the middle of the night because someone has a question about their prescription. Pharmacists also have much better hours and dont have to worry about mal-practice insurance in the same way a doctor does. However, if your passion is to do Doctors without Borders then maybe you should choose Doctor. Good luck, and follow your heart.

#505 Review writed by  Kristanna    11 Years, 6 Months, 2 Weeks, 16 Hours, 33 Minutes ago

Okay is this something that is in the family? Like is it your baby that they are taking custody of. If it is then you can do this without lawyers and all that. Basically the pregnant family member gives birth and has the baby. then once home from the hospital they have a notary republic come and watch as you guys each sign the contract that outlines who was the mother and who is now taking custody. The notary will then sign it stating she witnessed it. Then the new parents can take that contract to a judge and have the child become legally theres. They can have a new birth certificate issued and get the social security card as well. If it is not a family thing then they need to get a lawyer. home owners insurance quote insurance co penn mutual life

#516 Review writed by  Freddie    11 Years, 6 Months, 1 Week, 6 Days, 15 Hours, 11 Minutes ago

to join me as we train for a marathon, head over to Running & Reading Long and ctomlepe the Join Today form.a0 Participation is free, and we'd love to have you join us as we read, run, blog, and

#676 Review writed by  Mahaley    11 Years, 5 Months, 2 Weeks, 6 Days, 16 Minutes ago