Reviews --- A Thru Z Advanced Formula Oral
#2202 Review writed by Linx 11 Years, 4 Months, 1 Week, 1 Day, 20 Hours, 42 Minutes ago
#2269 Review writed by Mellie 11 Years, 4 Months, 1 Week, 9 Hours, 39 Minutes ago
#2317 Review writed by Jonni 11 Years, 4 Months, 6 Days, 10 Hours, 56 Minutes ago
#2322 Review writed by Ageu 11 Years, 4 Months, 6 Days, 7 Hours, 49 Minutes ago
Matt,thanks for all the words of encouragement in the past. Life in geenral is a huge struggle at times and now for my family and I to have the Team community and the Life products it has become alot easier. Theresia and I are reaching new highs in our marriage and with our parenting skills. I personally have been inspired to follow God and to do His work thru His word. I have reached out to many since joining Team. I volunteer to teach Sunday Bible School and also have taken on child mentoring thru our Big Buddy mentoring program here in Minnesota. I truely enjoy speaking with people and helping them in areas that i have grown in. I know that to give advice in a subject you better have some fruit on the tree, sort of speak. I've had such deep struggles in the past that one day i reflected on WHY? And thru bible scripture one day while reading with our good friend Jeff Ulrich the story Jesus calms a storm Luke 8:22-25. As i read alongside with Jeff my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ spoke to me so clearly. And as if to hear these words spoken to me directly i heard Him question me Where is your faith? I tell you, never had I heard such a question rock my faith foundation! In that moment I knew that God was with me more so now than ever. He made it so clearly to lift me up I knew that i was a child of His and forever will I be and I made a commitment that day to follow Christ even more. Not only has my life changed drastically but He shows me the way everyday. I have been more open to steer away from temptations such as anger, drinking, impure thoughts and flirty women. I respect and love my wife and family that no one not even Satan himself can distract me from my faith in God. Sometimes as a man you have to take a few steps backwards to truely see where you are going in life. As a man you have to accept responsibility of father, husband and head of household. It's alot of roles that the man carries but thru faith in Christ it gets easier. Another thing that helps is the Life products in my case these are my favorite: Marriage pack, Parenting pack, Maximize your Finances pack, The 5 Love Languages book, and Personality Plus book. Another huge one is the Magic of thinking Big, but the main source for all inspiration is The Bible.I hope this helps somebody out there. Keep rocking it Matt see you at the major!!Your pal,Jesse Hernandez [url=]cqxveqwswyf[/url] [link=]rotklsgle[/link]
#2390 Review writed by Libby 11 Years, 4 Months, 5 Days, 3 Hours, 39 Minutes ago