Reviews --- A & D Barrier Top

#18 Review writed by  Anonymous    12 Years, 2 Days, 6 Hours, 13 Minutes ago

I'll buy this medicine tomorrow

#126 Review writed by  Pablo    11 Years, 7 Months, 5 Days, 1 Hour, 37 Minutes ago

You hsould have done this when you first got the puppy, but it hsould still work. You need to keep them separated with a baby gate so they can see each other, and most importantly to a dog, get each other's scent. When your older dog accepts the new puppy's scent, (you want to see calm behaviour), you can try putting them in a room together.Now it's very important that everyone in your house pay a lot of attention to the 8 year old that's the only one used to being an only dog. Feed her first, greet her first, pet her first, etc. This dog needs to be clear in his mind that the new puppy isn't taking over any of his time. Make sure the puppy has some of it's own toys. When they do start playing together, make sure your older dog can get away from the puppy. A lot of adults get annoyed by puppies who just don't know when to quit. I wouldn't be letting them play outside unsupervised until you're sure they get along. You can, however, take them for walks together that hsould help the bonding process along once your older girl is more accepting of the puppy.

#217 Review writed by  Dave    11 Years, 7 Months, 4 Days, 1 Hour, 55 Minutes ago

I will agree with tazrespect as far as this being old news, I had Anapod alosmt a year ago. However Anapod and PodPlus are commercial programs, and after paying c2a3210 for a fucking music player, why should we spend that exta $15 just to get some software that should be bundled with the item?A good freeware or open source program is always appreachiated by me, however screw the lot of it, im getting GTK-Pod for my new version of SuSE Phil

#501 Review writed by  Lola    11 Years, 6 Months, 2 Weeks, 11 Hours, 27 Minutes ago

Are you sure your dog was diagnosed with sarcoptic mange?When I got my puppy she had generalized (although mild) demodectic mange. She never really lost hair. She had some thinning on her paws, but other than that nothing. She tested positive for demodex the first time, but by her third dip, she was already testing negative.The test for mange is a skin scrape where they scrape off some skin (obviosly, it’s in the name) and then place the cells and debris (hair, mites, etc) onto a microscope slide. They then just look at the slide underneath a microscope to determine if mites are present or not. They should scrape a few places on your dog to be sure of a negative (paws, chin, forehead).If you have decent reason to believe your dog doesn’t have mange (i.e. no hair falling out and no scratching), but your vet is still treating him, I would ask to have a skin scrape done. Then I’d ask them to show you the mites. If they are positive that’s what she has, they shouldn’t be hesitant about showing you the mites on a slide. I am a biologist and when my pup had mange, they let me look just because they knew I’d think it was cool.If they are very unwilling to let you see, then I would consider getting a second opinion. auto insurance online auction home owners insurance quote

#515 Review writed by  Rotimi    11 Years, 6 Months, 1 Week, 6 Days, 10 Hours, 5 Minutes ago

I once read a book by Nora Roberts in which a character, when asked where on a scale of 10 did the kiss fall, rieelpd, There is no scale. This puppy is definitely a no scale in cuteness .just wonderful! Just out of curiosity, what breed is it? I can't tell, it's too little